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Emotional Intelligence in Motion

Emotions can have you or you can have emotions. Are your emotions in charge or are you?

Ask yourself this the next time you find yourself getting emotional. It’s ok to express your feelings, just don’t let them get you to the point where it’s harmful. Reframe the situation and physically get moving!

When you move your body, your chemistry changes, emotions are simply chemicals that are released when we are triggered. It’s biochem 101. Go for a walk, run, or ride. Forward motion helps to get your body and mind moving forward. Movement will put you in a more positive space as you increase your breaths and move, your stress chemicals will run their cycle faster.

As you get moving, fully feel the feelings, lean into them hard, and you will reach the bottom and go through to the other side. You will get tired of the feeling as they are fully expressed and out. It’s not about suppressing yourself, it’s about fully expressing the light within and sometimes you need to move through the darkness. You now know how to do it faster!

To recap, have your emotions, feel them, get moving, let them pass, don’t let your emotions have you.

*BTW remember from the earlier post eating for your mood it’s the same thing with cravings, you have cravings, don’t let them have you!

XO -Nicole A. Donnelly

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