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Eastern teachings question “what leads to what?” Does your anger power positive action or does your anger lead to aggression?

Somebody may say that you cannot do something and you then use your anger as fuel to achieve what was though to be the impossible. Alternatively, you may turn the anger in and get mad at them for not supporting you or doubting you. With the second you may even lash out and get upset with them.

To convert this anger into fuel you must open your heart to what your greatest purpose in the world is at this moment. Imagine the red anger coming out and turning into a warm, campfire like light fueling your greatest passion. Use this energy to elevate you to the next level of commitment to your passion. 

Thank them, even if just in your mind, for the fuel to increase the energy behind your passion. Take a deep breath and turn the determination of your anger into determination to do good and let anger go. Be just as committed to peace as you are to your anger. Be patient with yourself and with your anger. 

Do not harm your peace of mind or happiness. You are the only one who is in control of yourself.

Repeat this aloud: (and for more power, call a friend and tell your friend the following.)

I am in control of myself. 

I am thankful for my life.

I am thankful for ________. (Fill in the blank with as many things as you can from chocolate to loved ones.)

Have a wonderful day! You are amazing!

XO-Nicole A. Donnelly

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