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Are your mornings chaotic? If your home is like most it’s a whirl of chaos until everybody is out the door, from when the first alarm goes off until the last lunch is packed. This weekend have a family meeting and put some fun into the weekly prep and meal planning…

A few years ago we started to slow down our mornings. I stopped doing the morning workout and opted for a later workout so that I’d have the time in the morning to sleep and get us all out the door in a calm manner. You can start the morning “rush” earlier so you can slow down. All of the oldies but goodies work too:

  • Pick out your clothes the night before (kids do theirs too)
  • Pack what you can of the lunches the night before (yours too!)
  • Pack all bags & backpacks the night before
  • Prep breakfast; pre-mix some pancake or waffle mix for morning

When your kids school age you can get them in the habit of working out with you. Have them take a scooter or bike and you run, even if just for 10 min. in the morning, this can really get your day off to a good start. A 10 min dance party will also get you all in a good mood for the day.

Unless you are the ultimate morning person these few tips can save your sanity as they do mine. We also have a food theme everyday so it makes our meal planning easy. These themes can carry throughout the meals too! We’ll make waffles for lunch or dinner.

  • Meat or Meatless Monday
  • Taco Tuesday
  • Waffle Wednesday
  • Thirsty Thursday
  • Pizza & Movie Friday

Turn up the Happy music to get everybody in a good mood, yes you too! Dance around a little, shake your groove thang! Let me know below what you do for fun before school.

With mellow mornings you will have time for extra cuddles, Yahtzee, or a funny cat fail video before school.

XO-Nicole A. Donnelly

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