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In schools and YMCAs everywhere allergy free standards are being set. There’s hardly a place where children mingle that you can have peanuts anymore. The old standard PB&J is out and new, more creative lunches are in.

With our allergies combined with the school’s rules we get to pack lunches that are egg free, gluten free, dairy free, nut free. Yep, not even almond butter. Most days I’ll make wraps with rice paper and put in spinach and whatever leftovers we have in the fridge ranging from pasta to stir fry. We also have themes that we carry through the meals each day.

  • Meat Monday or Meatless Monday
  • Taco Tuesday
  • Waffle Wednesday
  • Thirsty Thursday
  • Pizza Friday

I’ll pack a do-it-yourself taco for Tuesday lunch and a gluten free waffle sandwich with WOW butter (made with soynuts) and jam on Wednesday.

vegan wrap, alternative lunch, allergy free lunch, gluten free, gluten free wrap, lunch box, kids lunch

Today’s lunch is a wrap with spinach and left over pasta, a banana, carrots, and a honey stick for dessert.

What’s your favorite “alternative” lunch box meal?

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